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Penny Arcade Comics Feed

Ok. So I have typically not read many comic feeds, but I have started to add some to my Feed Reader of late.

Today I decided I would add [Penny Arcade][pa] to my list of comics I follow, after a few things of late that have pointed me in the direction of it.

Now, I often read my RSS Feed items on the train, on the way to work. While means I am reading it from my mobile, and I don't really want to have to manually navigate to some pages, to check out content. It's why my RSS Feed exists in the first place.

So low and behold, when I realised the Penny Arcade RSS Feed doesn't include the comics in-line, I decided I needed to solve that.

And by the power of [Yahoo! Pipes][pipes] (which I have never used until today), here is the [Penny Arcade Comics Only][pafeed] (with in-line Images) feed.

The side point here is that Yahoo! Pipes are very cool.

[pa]: [pafeed]: [pipes]: